
How D2C e commerce become blooming trend

D2C business allows products to reach directly to consumers through channels eliminating chain of distribution from wholesalers to retailers in between. Brand manufacturers seek the advantage of complete control of their products and direct relationship with customers than rely on retailers influencing their markets. D2C ecommerce platform can be the best channel to reach more customers as habitual inclination to digital channels is increasing day by day.

With research suggesting that 40% of the customers prefer purchase directly from brand manufactures over retailers as they could purchase products tailored to their preferences. It is very crucial to have a lucrative e-commerce platform with the right technology to explore your brand to more customers.

Spurtcommerce solutions offer you a customisable D2C e commerce platform enable to carry through innovative ways depending on real time customer insights, brand control, reliability, maintenance and security.

Spurtcommerce key features of D2C e commerce platform

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