
Spurtcommerce using MicroService Architecture

Spurtcommerce, built on a microservices architecture, divides its e-commerce platform features into independent, modular services. Each service, such as customer management, product handling, order processing, and admin control, operates separately, enhancing scalability, flexibility, and fault tolerance.

Microservices architecture allows Spurtcommerce to scale individual services based on demand, ensuring efficient resource use and optimized performance. Additionally, the isolation of services provides possibility to further customize the codebase to ensure that the failures in one module do not affect the entire platform, thus maintaining stability. By using microservices, Spurtcommerce ensures a more resilient, scalable, and maintainable e-commerce platform for vendors and customers alike.

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Tools / Techniques

Node.js, Express.js, gRPC, RabbitMQ, JWT, Docker


Customer, Order, Product, Admin, Lookup/Utility


Spurtcommerce Microservices List and their Functionalities

Spurtcommerce multi-vendor features are spread across five of the major microservices where, each service can operate independently and scale as needed, improving performance, flexibility, and maintainability for the platform.

Customer Service

The Customer Service microservice manages interactions with customers and vendors, ensuring smooth user experiences across the platform.

  • Handles login, account creation, updates, and deletion for both customers and vendors.
  • Manages items in the customer’s cart.
  • Tracks and helps recover carts left without purchases.
  • Enables real-time messaging between vendors and admin.
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Product Service

The Product Service manages everything related to the products listed on the platform, ensuring the right attributes, availability, and customization options for buyers.

  • Manages product listings & Manages stock levels and alerts for low inventory.
  • Supports multiple product variants (size, color) and custom attributes (weight, dimensions).
  • Allows customers to compare products.
  • Lets customers save products for later.
  • Enables multiple vendors to list the same product.
  • Facilitates customer questions, answers, and product reviews.
  • Manages discount codes for promotional use.
  • Allows vendors to upload products in bulk via CSV.
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Order Service

The Order Service manages the entire order lifecycle, from placing orders to processing payments and adjusting for returns.

  • Processes customer orders and validates stock.
  • Handles payments, vendor adjustments, and settlements.
  • Tracks and updates the order’s progress.
  • Applies valid discounts at checkout.
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Lookup/Utility Service

The Lookup/Utility Service handles utility functions and manages essential platform configurations.

  • Controls blogs, SEO settings, and pages.
  • Manages settings like currency, tax, and regions.
  • Configures site-wide filters and store preferences.
  • Sends automated emails for order updates, marketing, and recovery.
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Admin Service

The Admin Service manages platform administration, user roles, and access permissions to ensure a secure and controlled environment.

  • Creates and manages users and roles.
  • Sets specific access controls based on user roles.
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Revolutionizing ECommerce B2B and B2C with Microservices Architecture

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Discover how Spurtcommerce is transforming the eCommerce landscape with its innovative microservices architecture. In this video, we explore the key components—Product Service, Customer Service, Order Processing Service, User authentication—that make Spurtcommerce a powerful and scalable solution for online businesses. Learn about the advanced technologies like gRPC and RabbitMQ that ensure efficient communication and fault tolerance, driving performance even during peak traffic periods.

Whether you're running a B2B, B2C, or any other business model, Spurtcommerce's modular approach offers unparalleled flexibility, scalability, and resilience. Watch to see how you can enhance your eCommerce platform and stay competitive in a rapidly evolving market.

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Co-Founder and CRO at JetFuel

I researched a lot of open source ecommerce products and lots of commercial ones. SpurtCommerce was the best value product and the best thing is you can always customize the code.
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gRPC - For - Inter Services Communication

gRPC is a high-performance, open-source framework that enables efficient communication between services in a microservices architecture. In a Node.js microservices project like Spurtcommerce, gRPC facilitates fast and reliable communication between different services such as customer management, product handling, and order processing. By using Protocol Buffers (a language-neutral serialization format), gRPC allows for lightweight, binary data transmission, reducing bandwidth usage and improving speed. This ensures that Spurtcommerce’s microservices can interact seamlessly and efficiently, even under high traffic loads, enhancing overall system performance and scalability.

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RabbitMQ - For - Event Driven communication

RabbitMQ, a powerful message broker that facilitates communication between microservices in a Spurtcommerce, Node.js-based architecture. In this setup, RabbitMQ enables asynchronous messaging, allowing different services—such as customer management, product handling, and order processing—to exchange information without needing to operate simultaneously. This decouples services, improving system efficiency and resilience. RabbitMQ ensures that tasks like notifications, order updates, and stock adjustments are processed reliably, even during high traffic. By handling message queues, RabbitMQ enhances scalability, fault tolerance, and the overall performance of the microservices ecosystem.

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API Gateway

API Gateway is essential for managing communication between the web and mobile front ends and the backend microservices in a Node.js-based platform like Spurtcommerce. It serves as a single entry point, routing API calls from the front end, whether from web browsers or mobile apps, to the appropriate backend services such as customer management, product listings, order processing etc. By implementing a custom API Gateway, Spurtcommerce has full control over traffic, security, and request management, without depending on third-party tools. It helps manage authentication, balance loads, limit requests, and log activity, all while boosting performance, scalability, and security across the microservices.

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