
eCommerce disruption with futuristic technologies

Get a pioneering eCommerce portal, with full control for customizations and enhancements.

Spurtcommerce can become your technology partner for your eCommerce business needs, in a fully flexible manner.


About Spurtcommerce

It all began with an awesome idea from Mr. Suresh Sekar - Founder & Head of Product Design. He once thought about a fully API driven eCommerce Marketplace solution on the futuristic technology of NodeJS. Also, he aimed at giving complete control of customizations to Developers and eCommerce business owners.

Then, he began executing his idea by allocating a team. Spurtcommerce started getting developed by the team at Piccosoft as an in-house product of Piccosoft Software Labs India (P) Limited.

Then, Mr. Suresh Sekar evidenced that the Development teams across the world admired how Spurtcommerce smoothly met their requirements. Developers liked the concept of Spurtcommerce that offered full source code with complete control of customization and development. Companies admired the freedom of having their own in-house development team work on the Spurtcommerce code for customizations.

As the solution started becoming popular with all the response that it received, Spurtcommerce was registered as a company. Now Spurtcommerce Marketplace Solution is an in-house product of its own company - Spurtcommerce eSolutions Pvt Ltd.

Our Management Team


Suresh Sekar

Product Head

Smitha Adarsh

Client Account Manager

Banu Sridharan

Creative Manager


Developers and Development team in Companies always love the freedom of having the control of full source code in their hands. They always admire those code that can be easily tweaked and forked. They always wish to literally play with the code how they like so that they can modify the solution fully for their own needs and requirements. Through Spurtcommerce, we aimed to provide this complete flexibility to the Developers.

Vision, Mission & Future Goals

To bring a paradigm shift in the industry of eCommerce, through means of use of futuristic technologies. And, to help and partner with eCommerce businesses to stay on par with the industry trend as well as the eCommerce technology trend.


We always admire innovations. Innovations are putting up things together in a new way to get on par with the latest trend. Spurtcommerce is an innovation to eCommerce with new technology. We also support our customers, who aim at bringing innovations in the eCommerce industry through their new and unique selling ideas.

Our Design Approach

The online ecommerce platform needs to have captivating aesthetics that keep the customers hooked to the ecommerce website & ecommerce app, and increase the ecommerce business’s revenue. We have a dedicated design team for Spurtcommerce that indulges in the UI design that renders more credibility to our online marketplace solution towards a wonderful shopping experience for end users.