Why should you speed up your eCommerce website?

In the current fast moving world, comprising of busy people, who give importance to time more than anything, a lightning fast website plays a significant role. High performing and speedy website is what is admired in the online space. In eCommerce Industry, we have been seeing a trend from the past decade that the competition is increasing every year. A simple website with basic eCommerce features is no longer sufficient.
Raja moorthy
July 05, 2019 3382 Views 5 Min Read

In the current fast moving world, comprising of busy people, who give importance to time more than anything, a lightning fast website plays a significant role. High performing and speedy website is what is admired in the online space. In eCommerce Industry, we have been seeing a trend from the past decade that the competition is increasing every year. A simple website with basic eCommerce features is no longer sufficient. That's become the bare minimum these days and anybody willing to have an eCommerce store for their business would prefer to have that much. In order to be on par with the Industry trends and to stay ahead in the competition, you need to have a website that can perform way beyond a basic eCommerce . And, this is in addition to a eye captivating design, a responsive website, an easy check out process and an online payment gateway. You might think, all these are sufficient for a eCommerce website to make good sales, but then, a slow website is certain to ruin all other factors. 


Why does speed matter for an eCommerce website

Speed of an eCommerce website is perhaps the only factor that matters to sales and conversions. With all other factors in place, in your eCommerce website, if you are still losing out on hundreds of thousands, to potentially a millions of dollars an year, then, the only possible reason could be, your website is becoming slow and the loading speed has increased over a period of time  


Negative impact of a slow eCommerce website


Search Engine Ranking 

Search Engine Optimization has become the key to every online business now. There are a few SEO factors that need to be followed to improve the ranking of your website. However, speed plays the most prominent role among all the SEO factors. When a website has slow loading speed, users tend to leave the website, especially when they are in a hurry to buy a product from  your website. This results in increasing bounce rate, which is bad for the SEO. Google provides ranking bonus to faster websites that has lesser bounce rates. 


User Engagement

User engagement has a direct effect on conversion rate and revenue when compared with other marketing strategies.  As the popular saying goes, the first impression is the last impression, 75% of users have expressed that they would not return to a website, that took more than 4 seconds to load. A one-second delay in page loading can result in 11% fewer page views and a 16% loss in customer satisfaction. According to 40% of Online Shoppers for them to revisit a site is its ability to load quickly. 


Sales and Conversions

A slow website tends to lose a ton of potential Customers, thus resulting in poor sales. Every additional second that adds to the load time of the page, results in 7% loss in conversions, 40% increase in dissatisfied customers, who will talk ad about their online shopping experience with your website and 80% of them will never come back to the website. The statistics provided surely conveys how important is the speed for an eCommerce website.  


How can improving the speed of your website result in better sales


• Improvement in the speed of mobile page load can increase the conversion rate by over 25%.


• 40% of website abandonment is only due to the slow load time of the website, which is more than 3 seconds. 


• 47% of the Customers look forward to webpage that takes less than 2 seconds to load. 


• An eCommerce website that makes $50,000 a day can potentially loose $125 million sales per day even with another second delay of page loading. 


• Conversion rates have the potential to increase by 74% if the page load times improves from 8 seconds to 2 seconds. 


What Google says about ideal loading time of a page

As I already mentioned site speed is one of the major factors for search engine ranking by Google. Google mainly focuses on ranking sites based on mobile experience. It is high time for any business to adapt to this trend of offering mobile experience by delivering the speediest web application and a mobile friendly experience to their potential customers. Now, what is the perfect load time for a website as per Google? Google says, 5% of mobile users leave a site, if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. So, one should aim for an application that can sustain this speed on Mobile. 



An eCommerce website that provides a user-friendly experience, with a fast load time is the one that can survive in the competition. Slow landing pages means you are discouraging your visitors to stay on your site and shop. If you want your Customers to buy products from your site, ten, you need to optimize your site for it to load in less than 4 seconds. If not, you are definitely losing out your Customers to your competitors. Then, Google will start concluding that your site is not up to the mark for Customers' expectations and henceforth, your site will have less organic traffic with more dissatisfied Customers, who will not come back to your site. For satisfying your Customers and to have them return to your site again and again, the only solution is a speedy website. 


How can Spurtcommerce become your best eCommerce Partner 

Spurtcommerce can become your best partner for offering a speedy website with lesser load time, resulting in a high performing website, satisfied Customers, increasing conversions and overall eCommerce sales.  


Spurtcommerce is being built on NodeJS that uses Chrome V8.  Thus, NodeJS is high capable of building high speed web applications. As it does not block the I/O System, it can enhance the performance of an eCommerce website to better. 


Another and the best feature of NodeJS is security. One using NodeJS for web development need not be worried about the security issues, especially in the payments section, which is the key to an eCommerce website. Having realized this, many top Companies like PayPal are using NodeJS to work on fast speed even with high web traffic during peak seasons like holiday season sales and offers and discounts sales. 


Results of use of Spurtcommerce for eCommerce website development and its positive impact on eCommerce website


• A high performing and speedy eCommerce Application.


• Migration to newer technology in a cost -effective manner.


• Flexibility to develop Mobile App for your eCommerce business.


• With the same backend, you may manage both your eCommerce website and Mobile App.


• Long term Support from the Spurtcommerce team to make sure that that your eCommerce website functions in the same caliber at every stage, moving forward. 


Customization Services 

If you are looking for an eCommerce store with unique features, we shall offer services exclusively for your requirement and customize the solution for your business need. 


To learn more about how Spurtcommerce can help you surpass the challenges in eCommerce Industry, and how Spurtcommerce can help you stay ahead in the competition, you may write to support@spurtcommerce.com, stating your challenges and assistance you are looking forward to from us.